Our little steward was a fantastic helper this morning during our inspection! She used the brush to gently sweep our bees out of harms way, pointed out when the girls were getting angry and needed the smoker, and even got to practice handling the hive tool (on the lighter, empty frames).
We had plenty to see this morning including lots of honey, pollen, brood (bee larvae), and even our marked queen. We also saw bees so loaded down with pollen that they had to rest at the entrance of the hive before flying in.
Both of our hives have grown enough that we have added a second deep box. Once those boxes are almost full, it will be time for the honey supers! 🙌🏻
We are so excited about our bees and sharing our bee keeping adventures with you. We hope you are enjoying learning along with us.
If you are curious about bees or want to learn more about bee keeping, you should check out our amazing mentor Tranquil Hive Honey Co. on Facebook. They post all kinds of cool information on bees. 🐝
