Jenny built and opened the original pantry with the support of her husband and two children after experiencing her own struggles with the shame and stigma of growing up poor. In addition to stewarding the pantry, Jenny has worked as a medical provider, community organizer, and most recently as a writer and small business owner. Her mission is to create a space where everyone in her community can not only access their most basic needs, but also feel seen, heard, loved, and valued.
Matthew is an expert level pantry helper, especially when it comes to heavy lifting! He is always excited to jump in and lend a hand. His favorite part of being a steward is "helping people".

Zoe is a terrific steward! Her super power is her deep, caring heart. Not surprisingly, our apiary is one of her favorite parts of the pantry. She is deeply passionate about bees and has even given a presentation at school about a swarm she helped catch!
Adam is reluctant to consider himself a steward of the pantry, however he has been a major player since day one. From assisting with the original pantry installation, to repairs, to moving donations (including endless amounts of frozen turkeys!), and stocking shelves, Adam has been your steward's biggest supporter. There wouldn't be a pantry without him.